Subject: Re: updated from 1.6.x to 3.0rc5 - pkgsrc question
To: Carl Brewer <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/06/2005 09:34:01
In message <>, Carl Brewer writes:
>Geert Hendrickx wrote:
>> NetBSD's compat should normally take care of this. Any of your older
>> packages will still run fine (don't remove the pth package!), but any newly
>> compiled package will be native to NetBSD 3.0 and hence use its native
>> pthreads.
>Good-o. Is there any easy way to tell what's linked to what, short
>of running a lot of ldd's and parsing?
One suggestion is to install pkgdepgraph and run
pkgdepgraph -D -O pth
pkgdepgraph -R -O pth
that will tell you what needs to be deleted and recompiled to get rid
of pth. However...
You almost certainly have a lot of other stuff out of date, which in
turn will make for rebuilding hell. You might be better off doing it
all at once:
lintpkgsrc -i >/tmp/ood # what's out of date
pkgdepgraph -D /tmp/ood >/tmp/del # ordered 'delete' list
pkgdepgraph -R /tmp/ood >/tmp/reb # 'rebuild' shell script
--Steven M. Bellovin,