Subject: Volunteers wanted: (Net)BSD @ Linuxtag Wiesbaden/Germany
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/17/2006 16:59:08
Linuxtag is said to be the biggest Linux-related Event in Europe,
it happens May 2nd to 6th in Wiesbaden, Germany.
Similar to CeBit, there will be a joint BSD booth, and we're still looking
for volunteers to man the booth, answer questions, show NetBSD etc.
Please get in touch with me so I can coordinate things and get you in
contact with the people organizing the BSD booth.
I'd also like to provide NetBSD T-shirts, posters and flyers, we'll have
to see what to do for CDs.
Besides doing booth duty, I recommend answering the call for papers and do
a presentation about NetBSD, pkgsrc or related topics. Some inspirations:
- Hubert