Subject: Re: A strange problem involving PF and DHCP and an ethernet ADSL
To: matthew sporleder <>
From: Mark Cullen <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 06/16/2006 15:29:13
matthew sporleder wrote:
>>> [snip]
> I think it's actually both udp and, possibly, tcp.
Are you sure? I'm not seeing any more blocked packets in the logs now?
>>> [snip]
> Try running dhcpd in verbose mode or tcpdump-ing the server's
> interface and look for broadcasts. Your server definitely saw the
> unicast because it sent you the NAK.
Did you mean dhclient in verbose mode? I don't think my modem (the DHCP
server in this instance) runs anything UNIX-like :) I'm not seeing any
options to run dhclient in verbose mode anyhow?
I'll definately try tcpdump'ing fxp1 later on (can't right this minute)
and get back to you though.
Also, maybe these sysctl's have something to do with it (probably
nothing to do with it at all, but I thought I might ask)?!
(root@bone)/root# sysctl -a -d | grep "broadcast"
net.inet.ip.directed-broadcast: Enable forwarding of broadcast datagrams
net.inet.ip.hostzerobroadcast: All zeroes address is broadcast address
hostzerobroadcase = 1 and directed-broadcast = 0. Is this right?