Subject: Re: Proposal to include a game to the system (2nd part)
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 07/02/2006 12:19:30
>      Just a little nitpick.  This should say, "his support."  "its"        =
> would be used when you are referring to a thing.                           =
THX, i need much this corrections.

>      The third claus of the licence should refer to you, not the           =
> "University", since this game has nothing to do with any university.       =
> Also, the software is not provided by the "REGENTS", it is provided by     =
> you.                                                                       =
Sorry, i have copied the license from another software.
The next time i'll read the whole license before to use it.
In any way, i've replaced both "University" and "REGENTS" with

>      I took a really quick look.  A couple of things I noticed.  The       =
> program style should follow the style guide, which can found in            =
> /usr/share/misc/style.  Also, at the end of the file, I noticed this       =
> function:                                                                  =
I did'nt know the existence of this guideline, i'll change the software
based on this. As regard the killworm() function, i have fixed it and
it works. THX.

> I believe it to be bug free, I will not guarantee it. Just                 =
> my own discliamer. :-)                                                     =
It is very appreciated.

I'll try to make the software compatible with the guideline (as above)
then i'll post here again, hopeful, for the last time. :-)

Claudio M.

PS: probably this message will not be located as child of the thread.
      Please, be patience and THX.

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