Subject: Re: restricting NFS (and associated services) to one IP address
To: Chuck Swiger <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 10/09/2006 14:17:20
On 10/9/06, Chuck Swiger <> wrote:
> I would not want to run NFS filesharing on an machine directly
> connected to the Internet without having a firewall in the way.
This is probably off topic, but please explain this.
I assume what you are saying is, due to your previous comments about
the insecurity of NFS, you wouldn't want to expose those services to
the internet.
If it were possible to bind NFS to an IP and not expose them to the
internet (thereby implying a multi homed host), would your answer be
the same?
Seems to me that all these operating systems coming with built in
firewalls are really just avoiding issues rather than solving them...