Subject: Re: NetBSD/amd64 and ezm3.
To: Andreas Pettersson <>
From: Andrew Reilly <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/05/2007 14:03:12
On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 02:55:18AM +0100, Andreas Pettersson wrote:
> I can't build ezm3-1.2 under NetBSD/amd64, I have tried with i386
> binaries, and the latest source without success. My question is if anyone
> of you have got it to wotk under NetBSD/amd64 and if so, how?
I'm not sure if this is relevant to your situation (I don't use cvsup
under NetBSD, so I don't know for sure) but the FreeBSD ezm3 build only
works *without* the graphics library stuff, on amd64, and consequently the
only cvsup that can be built on amd64 is the no-GUI version. It does
still work, with that caveat, though. Perhaps you could find something
relevant in the FreeBSD ezm3 port patch files?