Subject: Re: can be NetBSD run on some smart phone or something like that?
To: Alexander Bubnov <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 02/22/2007 14:30:12
"Alexander Bubnov" <> writes:
> I would like to buy a mobile. It would be great if it is possible to run
> NetBSD there!
> I do not know name platforms which are used for mobiles/smart phones where
> it is possible to run NBSD.
> If anyone tries to install NetBSD on such platforms please let me know its
> name.
> I would like also to save functionality this mobile/smart phone installing
> NetBSD there.
I am unaware of an existing smart phone that runs NetBSD. However, the
folks at FIC are building a GSM phone (the Neo1973) in conjunction
with the OpenMoko project (which they launched) to build a fully open
Linux smartphone, where "fully open" means no binary blobs, all
specifications available to third parties, etc.
In theory, a sufficiently motivated team of NetBSD people could make
the phone run NetBSD instead of Linux once it is complete because
nothing will be hidden. In practice, however, I doubt that this will
be happening, but you never know, someone might get very motivated...