Subject: Re: Wiki
To: None <>
From: Ed Wensell III <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 03/28/2007 07:34:04
--- Przemysław Pawełczyk <> wrote:
> But I don't want NetBSd site to be a wiki. I only pointed to the fact
> that our wiki contains important information as far as Public Relation
> are concerned and as such the wiki should be incorporated through a
> wiki link placed into official homepage. Do I plea for too much?
Not to belittle, but it is an unofficial user driven
resource. Should every personal web page and blog that has at least five
lines of text related to NetBSD be linked from the official NetBSD site?
User-resources are listed at .
The Swedish BSD group who runs the Wiki already has a link there
( Perhaps they just need
to get their entry updated to include a note about their Wiki.
Ed Wensell III
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