Subject: Re: Debian redefines itself
To: Andy Ruhl <>
From: =?UTF-8?B?UHJ6ZW15c8WCYXcgUGF3ZcWCY3p5aw==?= <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 04/18/2007 15:04:50
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On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 12:46:19 -0700
"Andy Ruhl" <> wrote:
> On 4/18/07, Przemysław Pawełczyk <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've read an interesting succinct article about Debian 4.0 latest
> > release. I will quote a few lines, and I'd like to know what
> > official representatives of NetBSD Community would answer me if I
> > asked them how NetBSD and Debian 4.0 could be compared within the
> > quoted subjects.
> [cut]
> NetBSD is NOT for the uninitiated.
So is Debian in both forms - desktop and server.
> If the uninitiated want to use it,
> that's great, but they'll have to spend time learning and reading. If
> they want to write about their experience along the way, that's
> wonderful.
But Debian reached out helpful hand for beginners, not pure freshmen,
but "beginners in more advanced functions of the system". Desktop has to
be tweaked like a server but with less "professional" knowledge. Anyway
one has to have good portion of knowledge to do it.
> It's
> being built from the inside out as a high quality operating system,
> not from the outside in to have a fancy GUI that works for new users.
Debian is also "high quality operating system" and provide both GUI and
CUI for all sorts of users.
> As far as treating users like students or "do it yourself", that's
> what NetBSD's excellent man pages are for. The online manual covers
> most of the rest.
Just like Debian.
> Deal with it. Or don't, but I think you're wasting a lot of time
> trying to get people to believe that NetBSD needs to be easier to use
> for those who probably don't have a need to use it in the first place.
No, I'm not wasting my time. I simply read a lot, and some questions
come to my mind automagically. :-) If you said "that NetBSD could"
instead of "that NetBSD needs" you would be closer to the nitty-gritty
of my intentions.
At any rate people with different levels of IT knowledge will be coming
to NetBSD pushed by curiosity or snobbery. Would you like them to
adhere to NetBSD or you are indifferent to that? As far as your system
works _for you_?
> You might want to reconsider NetBSD and move over to PC BSD or
> something, it seems to fit your idea of what NetBSD should be better.
Not necessarily. We have both the same rights to ask questions about
NetBSD present times, and the future. I'm "glutton" to know, what about
Kind regards,
Przemysław (p2o2) Pawełczyk <>
The LearN@BSD Project:
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