Subject: can get NetBSD 4.0_RC5 to work with 2 nics
To: None <>
From: Rick McCombs <>
List: netbsd-users
Date: 12/05/2007 21:10:13
Well I decided to try NetBSD 4.0 RC_5 and for some reason is could
not map io memory for my NIC which has the markings MUN-JIN FT16-04B2
and works with the rtk driver in NetBSD 3.1 I don't remember where I
got the card.
Also I have a Netgear nic that uses the sip driver that works in 3.1
but with RC_5 I got can't map registers.
I don't remember the Netgear model and I don't have time to open the
machine back up right now.
I put 3.1 back on and I'm trying to get back to the point I was before.
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