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Re: consolidate phone, sidekick and broadband card to one device
On Thu, 5 Jun 2008, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
- be able to share its internet access to my NetBSD laptop (via USB?).
e61i appears as a modem via USB (if set to PC Suite mode) or mass storage (if
set to Data Transfer). 3G access works well. You can also use bluetooth (or
IrDA I guess).
Thanks for all the info.
Do you know what device it appears as a modem via USB?
ucom0 at umodem0, so you just use /dev/ttyU0
Do you connect via PPP?
Yes, it's a tiny connect script:
OK 'AT+cgdcont=1,"IP","orangeinternet"'
OK ATD*99***1#
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