On Feb 10, 2009, at 3:19 AM, David Brownlee wrote:
From: Herb Peyerl <hpeyerl%beer.org@localhost>Given a choice, my main desktop is OSX... At work; I have no choice. A NetBSD desktop is required... I also still use ctwm.. I spent days trying to get NetBSD to run dual headed on a Matrox G-650. I finally brought a G-550 from home and it just worked. Then I fought with Firefox... I still fight with firefox.. It crashes on me about 5 or 6 times a day... Some sort of xorg "BadAlloc" resource starvation thing... I don't have a flash plugin and I've tried with noscript; it still crashes... I have another NetBSD desktop that I use for oneWhat NetBSD version? As a quick test if you unlimit before running it doeshelp?
4.something... I've done the unlimit thing to no avail... 1772 file descriptors.. I haven't gone to FF3 because I'm not paid to spend days setting up pkg_comp and upgrading everything...
So, a netbsd-desktop install which installed gome and a reliable firefoxetc would be of definite benefit for you? :)
I would probably still use ctwm... At another job where I had Fedora, I couldn't take whatever environment it had... but that's just me...
I'm not in either camp on the for/against NetBSD desktop... I'm all for making pkgsrc useful for the non-pkgsrc-developer... I'm also all for making it easy to get X working without messing around with editing xorg.conf; which right now it isn't...