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Re: and X

According to the output of './ -h' this is how to include Xorg?

-x             Set MKX11=yes; build X11 from X11SRCDIR

The NetBSD Guide actually reports this:

-x          Set MKX11=yes; build X11R6 from X11SRCDIR

but the files are under /usr/X11R7
(9) @ 15:15:09> xdpyinfo | grep release
vendor release number:    11003000

None of the X11 files on my netbsd-6 system are newer than May:
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    25417 May 23 02:10 xwud

With the bind security advisory recently posted, I have decided to rebuild the system.

Can someone please explain if -x means that will include X11R7 in the distribution which will become installed?


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