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Re: Thinkpad T42 and NetBSD - Experiences?

On 21 December 2013 12:23, herbert langhans <>

I have to replace my current laptop I have found an IBM Thinkpad T42
with 1.5GB RAM and a small Hardisk. Its a sturdy built thing what fits
my needs.

My question - is anybody out there who had ever used one with NetBSD?
Anything I should know about this model before I buy it and install
NetBSD on? Are there known incompatibilities or is this Thinkpad a
safe choice?

I have been using a T42 ThinkPad for several years (chosen because the
T40-series is the last to have a real parallel port).  I've run NetBSD
on it exclusively since acquiring it in 2008 (from a surplus dealer).
It has Radeon graphics, intel wireless and intel gigabit ethernet.

I've never had any trouble with it as regards using NetBSD (starting with
5.x and now 6.1_STABLE (and occasionally -current via netboot)).

Sadly, it recently developed a fault with the LCD backlight inverter and
I haven't had space or time to investigate/repair it.

Hope this helps.

The T42 has the fingerprint scanner which shows up as ugen0 (IIRC).
Has there been any work in making such devices available/operational?

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