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Re: disk numbering

    Date:        Tue, 11 Mar 2014 06:44:47 +0000
    From:        Christian Koch <>
    Message-ID:  <20140311064447.GA28152%SDF.ORG@localhost>

  | There really isn't any mechanism within the config(5) language to enforce
  | device attachment order,

Attachment order can't be controlled, but numbering can, but I agree,
there's no really good reason to do that unless you plan on moving
around devices (or adding some more) perhaps - and then you'd be better
to use GPT and wedges and wedge names to keep things constant, rather
than relying on wd numbering.

Mark, if you really want this, then...

atabus0 at ahcisata0 channel 0
atabus1 at ahcisata0 channel 1

You might also need

wd0 at atabus0 drive 0

(and similar if there are, or are planned to be, more).

wd* attachments (and atabus* etc) will start numbering at the number
one bigger than the largest one specifically given (so if you put wd0 and
wd3 in your config file, the next allocated will be wd4, then wd5 - and
wd1 ad wd2 will just not be used).


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