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Re: Booting arguments for NetBSD under qemu

On 23 April 2014 11:32, Michael <> wrote:
> Hello,
> On Mon, 21 Apr 2014 19:32:19 +0100
> David Brownlee <> wrote:
>> tcx0 at sbus0 slot 3 offset 0x800000 level 5 (ipl 9) (8bit only
>> TCX)tcx0: SUNW,tcx, 1024 x 768, id 0, rev 0, sense 0system[0]: trap
>> 0x29: pc=0xf00abe2c sfsr=0xb6 sfva=0x8fc
>> cpu0: data fault: pc=0xf00abe2c addr=0x8fc
>> sfsr=0xb6<PERR=0x0,LVL=0x0,AT=0x5,FT=0x5,FAV,OW>
>> panic: kernel fault
> That's the TCX's hardware cursor position register. Looks like qemu
> doesn't actually emulate that part of TCX.

The system boots fine when qemu is run "not -nographic", though it
attaches genfb so the tcx specific hardware is not touched...
presumably it might be expected to panic if someone runs X in that

Should NetBSD be attaching tcx0 rather then genfb0 in the "not -nographic"?

>> So an immediate workaround to enable running NetBSD-6.x would be to
>> update to qemu-2.0.0 and use "-vga cg3", meanwhile someone can have a
>> poke at NetBSD and see why -nographic and emulated tcx have issues...
>> :)
> See above. A proper workaround would be to either add the missing bits
> to qemu or find a way for our tcx driver to detect qemu and skip the
> hardware that's not actually emulated.

Would the output of "ofctl -p" give any clues (attached). This is from
a "not -nographic" run from a HEAD kernel.
[Caching 38 nodes and 232 properties]
ffd2bddc: /SUNW,SPARCstation-5

#address-cells          00000002 ........ ........ ........     2
#size-cells             00000001 ........ ........ ........     1
banner-name             53504152 43737461 74696f6e 203500..   SPARCstation 5.
clock-frequency         0a21fe80 ........ ........ ........   170MHz
compatible              73756e34 6d00.... ........ ........   "sun4m"
idprom                  01805254 00123456 00000000 12345687   ..RT..4V.....4V.
            0010:       00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   ................
model                   53554e57 2c353031 2d333035 3900....   "SUNW,501-3059"
name                    53554e57 2c535041 52437374 6174696f   "SUNW,SPARCstatio
            0010:       6e2d3500 ........ ........ ........   n-5"
stdin-path              2f6f6269 6f2f7a73 40302c30 00......   /obio/zs@0,0.
stdout-path             2f696f6d 6d754030 2c313030 30303030   /iommu@0,1000000
            0010:       302f7362 75734030 2c313030 30313030   0/sbus@0,1000100
            0020:       302f5355 4e572c74 63784033 2c383030   0/SUNW,tcx@3,800
            0030:       30303000 ........ ........ ........   000.
uuid                    00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000   ................


ffd2bef8: /aliases

cd                      2f696f6d 6d752f73 6275732f 65737064   /iommu/sbus/espd
            0010:       6d612f65 73702f73 6440322c 3000....   ma/esp/sd@2,0.
cd0                     2f696f6d 6d752f73 6275732f 65737064   /iommu/sbus/espd
            0010:       6d612f65 73702f73 6440322c 3000....   ma/esp/sd@2,0.
cdrom                   2f696f6d 6d752f73 6275732f 65737064   /iommu/sbus/espd
            0010:       6d612f65 73702f73 6440322c 3000....   ma/esp/sd@2,0.
cdrom0                  2f696f6d 6d752f73 6275732f 65737064   /iommu/sbus/espd
            0010:       6d612f65 73702f73 6440322c 3000....   ma/esp/sd@2,0.
disk                    2f696f6d 6d752f73 6275732f 65737064   /iommu/sbus/espd
            0010:       6d612f65 73702f73 6440302c 3000....   ma/esp/sd@0,0.
disk0                   2f696f6d 6d752f73 6275732f 65737064   /iommu/sbus/espd
            0010:       6d612f65 73702f73 6440302c 3000....   ma/esp/sd@0,0.
floppy                  2f6f6269 6f2f5355 4e572c66 6474776f   /obio/SUNW,fdtwo
            0010:       00...... ........ ........ ........   .
hd                      2f696f6d 6d752f73 6275732f 65737064   /iommu/sbus/espd
            0010:       6d612f65 73702f73 6440302c 3000....   ma/esp/sd@0,0.
hd0                     2f696f6d 6d752f73 6275732f 65737064   /iommu/sbus/espd
            0010:       6d612f65 73702f73 6440302c 3000....   ma/esp/sd@0,0.
keyboard                2f6f6269 6f2f7a73 40302c30 00......   /obio/zs@0,0.
name                    616c6961 73657300 ........ ........   "aliases"
screen                  2f696f6d 6d754030 2c313030 30303030   /iommu@0,1000000
            0010:       302f7362 75734030 2c313030 30313030   0/sbus@0,1000100
            0020:       302f5355 4e572c74 63784033 2c383030   0/SUNW,tcx@3,800
            0030:       30303000 ........ ........ ........   000.
sd(0,0,0)               2f696f6d 6d752f73 6275732f 65737064   /iommu/sbus/espd
            0010:       6d612f65 73702f73 6440302c 3000....   ma/esp/sd@0,0.
sd(0,0,0)@0,0           2f696f6d 6d752f73 6275732f 65737064   /iommu/sbus/espd
            0010:       6d612f65 73702f73 6440302c 3000....   ma/esp/sd@0,0.
sd(0,2,0)               2f696f6d 6d752f73 6275732f 65737064   /iommu/sbus/espd
            0010:       6d612f65 73702f73 6440322c 3000....   ma/esp/sd@2,0.
sd(0,2,0)@0,0           2f696f6d 6d752f73 6275732f 65737064   /iommu/sbus/espd
            0010:       6d612f65 73702f73 6440322c 3000....   ma/esp/sd@2,0.
ttya                    2f6f6269 6f2f7a73 40302c31 30303030   /obio/zs@0,10000
            0010:       303a6100 ........ ........ ........   0:a.
ttyb                    2f6f6269 6f2f7a73 40302c31 30303030   /obio/zs@0,10000
            0010:       303a6200 ........ ........ ........   0:b.


ffd2bf9c: /openprom

boot-syntax             00000001 ........ ........ ........   ....
device_type             426f6f74 524f4d00 ........ ........   "BootROM"
model                   4f70656e 4669726d 77617265 203300..   "OpenFirmware 3"
name                    6f70656e 70726f6d 00...... ........   "openprom"


ffd320fc: /openprom/client-services

name                    636c6965 6e742d73 65727669 63657300   "client-services"


ffd2c144: /options

auto-boot?              74727565 00...... ........ ........   true.
boot-args               00...... ........ ........ ........   .
boot-command            626f6f74 00...... ........ ........   boot.
boot-device             6469736b 00...... ........ ........   disk.
boot-file               00...... ........ ........ ........   .
boot-from               6469736b 00...... ........ ........   disk.
boot-screen             00...... ........ ........ ........   .
boot-script             00...... ........ ........ ........   .
default-mac-address     66616c73 6500.... ........ ........   false.
diag-switch?            66616c73 6500.... ........ ........   false.
fcode-debug?            66616c73 6500.... ........ ........   false.
input-device            6b657962 6f617264 00...... ........   keyboard.
load-base               34303030 00...... ........ ........   4000.
name                    6f707469 6f6e7300 ........ ........   "options"
nvramrc                 00...... ........ ........ ........   .
oem-banner              00...... ........ ........ ........   .
oem-banner?             66616c73 6500.... ........ ........   false.
oem-logo?               66616c73 6500.... ........ ........   false.
output-device           73637265 656e00.. ........ ........   screen.
pci-probe-mask          2d3100.. ........ ........ ........   -1.
screen-#columns         31323800 ........ ........ ........   128.
screen-#rows            393600.. ........ ........ ........   96.
scroll-lock             74727565 00...... ........ ........   true.
selftest-#megs          3000.... ........ ........ ........   0.
skip-netboot?           66616c73 6500.... ........ ........   false.
tpe-link-test?          74727565 00...... ........ ........   true.
ttya-ignore-cd          74727565 00...... ........ ........   true.
ttya-mode               39363030 2c382c6e 2c312c2d 00......   9600,8,n,1,-.
ttya-rts-dtr-off        66616c73 6500.... ........ ........   false.
ttyb-ignore-cd          74727565 00...... ........ ........   true.
ttyb-mode               39363030 2c382c6e 2c312c2d 00......   9600,8,n,1,-.
ttyb-rts-dtr-off        66616c73 6500.... ........ ........   false.
use-generic?            66616c73 6500.... ........ ........   false.
use-nvramrc?            66616c73 6500.... ........ ........   false.


ffd2c1bc: /chosen

bootargs                00...... ........ ........ ........   .
display                 ffce2a74 ........ ........ ........   ..*t
memory                  ffce2908 ........ ........ ........   ..).
mmu                     ffce297c ........ ........ ........   ..)|
name                    63686f73 656e00.. ........ ........   "chosen"
stdin                   ffce2ad4 ........ ........ ........   ..*.
stdout                  ffce2a74 ........ ........ ........   ..*t


ffd2c26c: /builtin

name                    6275696c 74696e00 ........ ........   "builtin"


ffd2c310: /builtin/console

name                    636f6e73 6f6c6500 ........ ........   "console"


ffd31e08: /packages

name                    7061636b 61676573 00...... ........   "packages"


ffd32f08: /packages/cmdline

name                    636d646c 696e6500 ........ ........   "cmdline"


ffd33048: /packages/disk-label

name                    6469736b 2d6c6162 656c00.. ........   "disk-label"


ffd355bc: /packages/deblocker

name                    6465626c 6f636b65 7200.... ........   "deblocker"


ffd35910: /packages/grubfs-files

name                    67727562 66732d66 696c6573 00......   "grubfs-files"


ffd35b48: /packages/sun-parts

name                    73756e2d 70617274 7300.... ........   "sun-parts"


ffd35d80: /packages/elf-loader

name                    656c662d 6c6f6164 657200.. ........   "elf-loader"


ffd33b2c: /memory@0,0

available               00000000 00000000 0efe0000 ........   ............
name                    6d656d6f 727900.. ........ ........   "memory"
reg                     00000000 00000000 10000000 ........   ............


ffd33bd0: /virtual-memory@0,0

available               00000000 00001000 ffcdf000 ........   ............
name                    76697274 75616c2d 6d656d6f 727900..   "virtual-memory"
reg                     00000000 00000000 80000000 00000000   ................
            0010:       80000000 80000000 ........ ........   ........
translations            00001000 01fff000 000000bc ffce0000   ................
            0010:       00020000 000000bc ffd00000 000cf000   ................
            0020:       000000bc ffdcf000 00001000 0000003c   ...............<
            0030:       ffdd0000 00001000 0000003c ffdd1000   ...........<....
            0040:       00001000 0000003c ffdd2000 00001000   .......<.. .....
            0050:       0000003c ffdd3000 00001000 0000003c   ...<..0........<
            0060:       ffdd4000 00001000 0000003c ffdd5000   ..@........<..P.
            0070:       00002000 0000003c ffdd7000 00001000   .. ....<..p.....
            0080:       0000003c ffdd8000 00001000 0000003c   ...<...........<
            0090:       ffdd9000 00001000 0000003c ffdda000   ...........<....
            00a0:       00001000 0000003c ffddb000 00011000   .......<........
            00b0:       0000003c ffdec000 00011000 0000003c   ...<...........<
            00c0:       ffdfd000 00001000 0000003c ffdfe000   ...........<....
            00d0:       00001000 0000003c ffdff000 00001000   .......<........
            00e0:       0000003c ffe00000 00001000 0000003c   ...<...........<
            00f0:       ffe01000 00001000 0000003c ffe02000   ...........<.. .
            0100:       00001000 0000003c ffe03000 00001000   .......<..0.....
            0110:       0000003c ffe04000 000c0000 0000003c   ...<..@........<


ffd33c7c: /iommu@0,10000000

#address-cells          00000002 ........ ........ ........     2
#size-cells             00000001 ........ ........ ........     1
address                 ffdd2000 ........ ........ ........   .. .
cache-coherence?        00000000 ........ ........ ........   ....
name                    696f6d6d 7500.... ........ ........   "iommu"
page-size               00001000 ........ ........ ........     4K
reg                     00000000 10000000 00000300 ........   ............


ffd33dec: /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000

#address-cells          00000002 ........ ........ ........     2
#size-cells             00000001 ........ ........ ........     1
address                 ffdfe000 ........ ........ ........   ....
burst-sizes             0000003f ........ ........ ........    63
clock-frequency         01443fd0 ........ ........ ........   21.250MHz
device_type             68696572 61726368 6963616c 00......   "hierarchical"
name                    73627573 00...... ........ ........   "sbus"
ranges                  00000000 00000000 00000000 20000000   ............ ...
            0010:       10000000 00000001 00000000 00000000   ................
            0020:       30000000 10000000 00000002 00000000   0...............
            0030:       00000000 40000000 10000000 00000003   ....@...........
            0040:       00000000 00000000 50000000 10000000   ........P.......
            0050:       00000004 00000000 00000000 60000000   ............`...
            0060:       10000000 00000005 00000000 00000000   ................
            0070:       70000000 10000000 ........ ........   p.......
reg                     00000000 10001000 00000028 ........   ...........(
slot-address-bits       0000001c ........ ........ ........   ....


ffd33fe0: /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/espdma@5,8400000

name                    65737064 6d6100.. ........ ........   "espdma"
reg                     00000005 08400000 00000010 ........   .....@......


ffd37e48: /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5,8800000

#address-cells          00000002 ........ ........ ........     2
#size-cells             00000000 ........ ........ ........     0
clock-frequency         02625a00 ........ ........ ........   40MHz
device_type             73637369 00...... ........ ........   "scsi"
intr                    00000024 00000000 ........ ........   ...$....
name                    65737000 ........ ........ ........   "esp"
reg                     00000005 08800000 00000010 ........   ............
scsi-options            00000058 ........ ........ ........   ...X



device_type             626c6f63 6b00.... ........ ........   "block"
name                    736400.. ........ ........ ........   "sd"
reg                     00000000 00000000 ........ ........   ........



device_type             626c6f63 6b00.... ........ ........   "block"
name                    736400.. ........ ........ ........   "sd"
reg                     00000002 00000000 ........ ........   ........


ffd34098: /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/ledma@5,8400010

burst-sizes             0000003f ........ ........ ........    63
name                    6c65646d 6100.... ........ ........   "ledma"
reg                     00000005 08400010 00000020 ........   .....@..... 


ffd34170: /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/ledma@5,8400010/le@5,8c00000

busmaster-regval        00000007 ........ ........ ........   ....
device_type             6e657477 6f726b00 ........ ........   "network"
intr                    00000026 00000000 ........ ........   ...&....
name                    6c6500.. ........ ........ ........   "le"
reg                     00000005 08c00000 00000004 ........   ............


ffd36e68: /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/SUNW,tcx@3,800000

address                 ffe04000 ........ ........ ........   ..@.
device_type             64697370 6c617900 ........ ........   "display"
hbporch                 000000a0 ........ ........ ........   ....
height                  00000300 ........ ........ ........   ....
hfporch                 00000018 ........ ........ ........   ....
hsync                   00000088 ........ ........ ........   ....
interrupts              00000005 ........ ........ ........   ....
intr                    00000005 00000000 ........ ........   ........
linebytes               00000400 ........ ........ ........   ....
name                    53554e57 2c746378 00...... ........   "SUNW,tcx"
pixfreq                 03dfd240 ........ ........ ........   ...@
reg                     00000003 00800000 00100000 00000003   ................
            0010:       02000000 00000001 00000003 04000000   ................
            0020:       00000001 00000003 06000000 00800000   ................
            0030:       00000003 0a000000 00000001 00000003   ................
            0040:       0c000000 00000001 00000003 0e000000   ................
            0050:       00000001 00000003 00700000 00001000   .........p......
            0060:       00000003 00200000 00000004 00000003   ..... ..........
            0070:       00300000 0000081c 00000003 00000000   .0..............
            0080:       00010000 00000003 00240000 00000004   .........$......
            0090:       00000003 00280000 00000001 ........   .....(......
tcx-8-bit               74727565 00...... ........ ........   true.
vbporch                 0000001d ........ ........ ........   ....
vfporch                 00000003 ........ ........ ........   ....
vfreq                   0000003c ........ ........ ........   ...<
vsync                   00000006 ........ ........ ........   ....
width                   00000400 ........ ........ ........   ....


ffd37c64: /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/SUNW,CS4231@4,c000000

alias                   61756469 6f00.... ........ ........   audio.
device_type             73657269 616c00.. ........ ........   "serial"
interrupts              00000005 ........ ........ ........   ....
intr                    00000005 00000000 ........ ........   ........
name                    53554e57 2c435334 32333100 ........   "SUNW,CS4231"
reg                     00000004 0c000000 00000040 ........   ...........@


ffd37d84: /iommu@0,10000000/sbus@0,10001000/power-management@4,a000000

name                    706f7765 722d6d61 6e616765 6d656e74   "power-management
            0010:       00...... ........ ........ ........   "
reg                     00000004 0a000000 00000010 ........   ............


ffd34250: /obio

#address-cells          00000002 ........ ........ ........     2
#size-cells             00000001 ........ ........ ........     1
device_type             68696572 61726368 6963616c 00......   "hierarchical"
name                    6f62696f 00...... ........ ........   "obio"
ranges                  00000000 00000000 00000000 71000000   ............q...
            0010:       01000000 ........ ........ ........   ....


ffd35fd8: /obio/zs@0,100000

address                 ffdd3000 ........ ........ ........   ..0.
device_type             73657269 616c00.. ........ ........   "serial"
intr                    0000002c 00000000 ........ ........   ...,....
name                    7a7300.. ........ ........ ........   "zs"
reg                     00000000 00100000 00000008 ........   ............
slave                   00000000 ........ ........ ........   ....


ffd36250: /obio/zs@0,0

address                 ffdd4000 ........ ........ ........   ..@.
device_type             73657269 616c00.. ........ ........   "serial"
intr                    0000002c 00000000 ........ ........   ...,....
name                    7a7300.. ........ ........ ........   "zs"
reg                     00000000 00000000 00000008 ........   ............
slave                   00000001 ........ ........ ........   ....


ffd364a4: /obio/eeprom@0,200000

address                 ffdd5000 ........ ........ ........   ..P.
model                   6d6b3438 74303800 ........ ........   "mk48t08"
name                    65657072 6f6d00.. ........ ........   "eeprom"
reg                     00000000 00200000 00002000 ........   ..... .... .


ffd365b4: /obio/SUNW,fdtwo@0,400000

address                 ffdd7000 ........ ........ ........   ..p.
device_type             626c6f63 6b00.... ........ ........   "block"
intr                    0000002b 00000000 ........ ........   ...+....
name                    53554e57 2c666474 776f00.. ........   "SUNW,fdtwo"
reg                     00000000 00400000 0000000f ........   .....@......


ffd368f8: /obio/auxio@0,900000

address                 ffdd8000 ........ ........ ........   ....
name                    61757869 6f00.... ........ ........   "auxio"
reg                     00000000 00900000 00000001 ........   ............


ffd369ac: /obio/power@0,910000

address                 ffdd9000 ........ ........ ........   ....
intr                    00000022 00000000 ........ ........   ..."....
name                    706f7765 7200.... ........ ........   "power"
reg                     00000000 00910000 00000001 ........   ............


ffd36aa4: /obio/counter@0,d00000

address                 ffddb000 ffdeb000 ........ ........   ........
name                    636f756e 74657200 ........ ........   "counter"
reg                     00000000 00d00000 00000010 00000000   ................
            0010:       00d10000 00000010 ........ ........   ........


ffd36b68: /obio/interrupt@0,e00000

address                 ffdec000 ffdfc000 ........ ........   ........
name                    696e7465 72727570 7400.... ........   "interrupt"
reg                     00000000 00e00000 00000010 00000000   ................
            0010:       00e10000 00000010 ........ ........   ........


ffd36c98: /obio/slavioconfig@0,800000

name                    736c6176 696f636f 6e666967 00......   "slavioconfig"
reg                     00000000 00800000 00000001 ........   ............


ffd3889c: /FMI,MB86904

cache-coherence?        00...... ........ ........ ........   .
cache-line-size         00000020 ........ ........ ........    32
cache-nlines            00000200 ........ ........ ........   ....
dcache-associativity    00000001 ........ ........ ........     1
dcache-line-size        00000010 ........ ........ ........    16
dcache-nlines           00000200 ........ ........ ........   ....
device_type             63707500 ........ ........ ........   "cpu"
ecache-associativity    00000001 ........ ........ ........     1
ecache-line-size        00000020 ........ ........ ........    32
ecache-nlines           00004000 ........ ........ ........   ..@.
icache-associativity    00000001 ........ ........ ........     1
icache-line-size        00000020 ........ ........ ........    32
icache-nlines           00000200 ........ ........ ........   ....
implementation          00000000 ........ ........ ........   ....
mask_rev                00000023 ........ ........ ........   ...#
mid                     00000000 ........ ........ ........   ....
mmu-nctx                00000100 ........ ........ ........   ....
name                    464d492c 4d423836 39303400 ........   "FMI,MB86904"
ncaches                 00000002 ........ ........ ........   ....
page-size               00001000 ........ ........ ........     4K
psr-implementation      00000000 ........ ........ ........   ....
psr-version             00000004 ........ ........ ........   ....
sparc-version           00000008 ........ ........ ........   ....
version                 00000004 ........ ........ ........   ....


Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
    2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
    The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 6.99.40 (GENERIC) #5: Wed Apr 23 12:17:40 BST 2014
total memory = 239 MB
avail memory = 230 MB
timecounter: Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
mainbus0 (root): SUNW,SPARCstation-5: hostid 80123456
cpu0 at mainbus0: MB86904 @ 170  MHz, MB86910 or WTL1164/5 FPU
cpu0: 16K instruction (32 b/l), 8K data (16 b/l), 512K external (32 b/l): cache 
obio0 at mainbus0
clock0 at obio0 slot 0 offset 0x200000: mk48t08
timer0 at obio0 slot 0 offset 0xd00000: delay constant 124, frequency = 2000000 
timer: limit 0 shift 9 mask 3fffff
timecounter: Timecounter "timer-counter" frequency 2000000 Hz quality 100
zs0 at obio0 slot 0 offset 0x100000 level 12 softpri 6
zstty0 at zs0 channel 0
zstty1 at zs0 channel 1
zs1 at obio0 slot 0 offset 0x0 level 12 softpri 6
zstty4 at zs1 channel 0
kbd0 at zstty4 (console input)
zstty5 at zs1 channel 1
ms0 at zstty5
wsmouse0 at ms0 mux 0
fdc0 at obio0 slot 0 offset 0x400000 level 11: no drives attached
auxreg0 at obio0 slot 0 offset 0x900000
power0 at obio0 slot 0 offset 0x910000 level 2
slavioconfig at obio0 slot 0 offset 0x800000 not configured
iommu0 at mainbus0 addr 0x10000000: version 0x5/0x0, page-size 4096, range 64MB
sbus0 at iommu0: clock = 21250  MHz
DBGX: match (espdma), (SUNW,tcx), 0
dma0 at sbus0 slot 5 offset 0x8400000: DMA rev 2
esp0 at dma0 slot 5 offset 0x8800000 level 4: ESP200, 40MHz, SCSI ID 7
scsibus0 at esp0: 8 targets, 8 luns per target
DBGX: match (ledma), (SUNW,tcx), 0
ledma0 at sbus0 slot 5 offset 0x8400010: DMA rev 2
le0 at ledma0 slot 5 offset 0x8c00000 level 6: address 52:54:00:12:34:56
le0: 8 receive buffers, 2 transmit buffers
DBGX: match (SUNW,tcx), (SUNW,tcx), 1
genfb0 at sbus0 slot 3 offset 0x800000 level 5 (ipl 9)
genfb0: 1024 x 768 at 8 bit
genfb0: framebuffer at offset 0x0
genfb0: framebuffer at 0xfe029000, size 1024x768, depth 8, stride 1024
wsdisplay0 at genfb0 kbdmux 1: console (default, vt100 emulation)
wsmux1: connecting to wsdisplay0
DBGX: match (SUNW,CS4231), (SUNW,tcx), 0
audiocs0 at sbus0 slot 4 offset 0xc000000 level 5 (ipl 9): CS4231A
audio0 at audiocs0: full duplex, playback, capture
DBGX: match (power-management), (SUNW,tcx), 0
power-management at sbus0 slot 4 offset 0xa000000 not configured
timecounter: Timecounter "clockinterrupt" frequency 100 Hz quality 0
scsibus0: waiting 2 seconds for devices to settle...
wskbd0 at kbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0
kbd0: reset failed
sd0 at scsibus0 target 0 lun 0: <QEMU, QEMU HARDDISK, 2.0.> disk fixed
sd0: 1024 MB, 2080 cyl, 16 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 2097152 sectors
cd0 at scsibus0 target 2 lun 0: <QEMU, QEMU CD-ROM, 2.0.> cdrom removable
Kernelized RAIDframe activated

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