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From the descriptions in bsd.README:

LIBISPRIVATE    If not "no", act as "MKDEBUGLIB=no MKLINT=no MKPIC=no
                MKPROFILE=no", and don't install the (.a) library.
                This is useful for "build only" helper libraries.
                Default: no

LIBDPLIBS       A list of the tuples:
                        libname  path-to-srcdir-of-libname

                For each tuple;
                     *  LIBDO.libname contains the .OBJDIR of the library
                        `libname', and if it is not set it is determined
                        from the srcdir and added to MAKEOVERRIDES (the
                        latter is to allow for build time optimization).
                     *  LDADD gets  -L${LIBDO.libname} -llibname    added.
                     *  DPADD gets  ${LIBDO.libname}/  or
                                    ${LIBDO.libname}/liblibname.a   added.

                The special value "_external" for LIBDO.lib makes the
                build system to assume the library comes from outside
                of the NetBSD source tree and only causes -llibname
                to be added to LDADD.

                This variable may be used for individual libraries, as
                well as in parent directories to cache common libraries
                as a build-time optimization.

I thought I could build a helper library in a subdirectory, e.g.,
subdir/Makefile would contain

LIB=	helper

and then in the top directory I could

LIBDPLIBS+=	helper	${.CURDIR}/helper

This doesn't seem to be working for me, as libhelper.a is built, but
the library in the root directory is looking for

The description of LIBDPLIBS suggests

                     *  DPADD gets  ${LIBDO.libname}/  or
                                    ${LIBDO.libname}/liblibname.a   added.

but /usr/share/mk/

seems to contain

DPADD+=     ${LIBDO.${_lib}}/lib${_lib}.so  # Don't use _LIB_PREFIX

How is liblibname.a meant to get added? (How is this supposed to work?)



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