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Re: NetBSD as virtualbox guest

    Date:        Sun, 23 Aug 2015 03:37:00 -0400
    From:        Bob Bernstein <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | I have tried the OpenBSD and NetBSD i386 boot iso's. Both 
  | seem only to generate a mess here. :-(

Never tried OpenBSD, but that's about how I started with NetBSD.
Which NetBSD are you using, and what hardware do you have vbox config'd
to emulate?

  | I am using the generic kernels from the i386 install iso 
  | images. The host is Debian jessie, 64-bit afaik.

I'm using ubuntu (because it is very popular in Thailand, so if it needs
work, I can find someone who understands it) 32 bit (because the linux web
pages all said something along the lines of "if you aren't certain which
image to use (32 vs 64 bit) use this one - almost everyone wants this one.."
so I just did what it told me to do.   (I know zero about linux.)   It has
the linux equiv of PAE, so it can address all the ram in this box (12GB)
but I suspect it might be that which limits vbox guests to the normal
i386 < 4Gb limit.   The ubuntu is 14.04 or something like that.

I use a mix of mapped real drive (which has mostly NetBSD filesystems on
it from when I booted raw, before I discovered that X wouldn't work under
NetBSD) and file based discs on linux (root, usr, etc are on those, initially
as when I started vbox on 32 bit linux could only handle 32 bit clients -
vbox fixed that soon after, but I was already on i386 NetBSD - the raw disc
images were 64 bit NetBSD so I just made image files on linux - /home and
various other stuff are still the raw NetBSD partitions).   I have (just in
the past week) switched to using 64bit NetBSD - just moved the raw NetBSD
partitions from the i386 vbox client to an amd64 one.


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