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Re: Serial console setup (Michael van Elst) writes:

>>I always use crossover cables that ensure CD is asserted by wiring
>>both DSR and CD to the DTR pin of the other end, but if yours doesn't,
>>I would have thought the "local" keyword in /etc/ttys would take care
>>of that.  Or maybe you need to use "softcar" instead?
> local or softcar is fine for getty, but it doesn't influence the
> low level console. So depending on hardware you may require the
> proper cable.

Are you saying that the console device itself will refrain from output
if either DSR or CD is not asserted?   I can see the point of DSR but
requiring CD for a console seems non-helpful.

(I haven't really tried to setup a serial console on other than Soekris
for ages; I have one set up on a sparc, but haven't actually plugged it
in for years because I haven't need to rescue the box.)

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