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Re: powerd

On 07/02/17 03:40, Robert Elz wrote:
     Date:        Sat, 1 Jul 2017 22:17:12 -0500
     From:        Edgar Pettijohn <>
     Message-ID:  <>

   | so I'm not really sure which list to send what to yet.

This list is fine for this kind of question.

   | I was reading the powerd manual and it says:

   | Shouldn't that be asynchronously? Or is my definitions backwards?

It depends upon what you are reading the synchronisation to be
relative to .. if you're connecting the power event and the script
you might be right.

But that's not what it is trying to say, it is using terminology as it
is typically used with the shell (since powerd scripts are shell scripts).

There, the synchronisation is with other commands being run, an asynchronous
command is one run "in the background" - that is one that runs in parallel
with other commands also being run, with no co-ordination (or synchrpnisation)
between them.

In shell terminology, if you do

	command &

you're running an asynchronous command, and the shell does not wait for
the command to finish before starting on the next.

That's what the powerd manual page is trying to say is not happening, so
it wants to use the opposite of asynchronous, which would be synchronous.

If you'd like to suggest better wording, please do (the best way for that
is to send in a bug report, with send-pr - or using

I went back and read the code and then re-read the manual. I concur with your analysis. I think it just confused me initially.



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