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Re: vioif(4) ipv6 issues?

On 9/18/17 8:20 PM, Andy Ruhl wrote:

On Sun, Sep 17, 2017 at 11:54 AM, Jeff Rizzo <> wrote:
I just noticed that a host of mine running as a Xen guest is not getting (or
maybe just sending) ipv6 packets correctly.  It's running pretty much the
same as some physical hosts, and the only difference I can see is the Xen
(and vioif) aspect.

This is under 7.1, but it was exhibiting the same behavior under 7.0.  It's
*possible* the provider of the Xen guest is causing the issue, but as far as
I can tell, packets are routed to me correctly.  (In fact, I can see
incoming pings from an outside host, using tcpdump).  One other bit of info:
from the problem host, when I traceroute6 to an outside host, I get this:

foo1:riz  ~> traceroute6 -n
traceroute6 to (2001:470:a085:999::80) from
XXXX:XXX:2:790::5da6, 64 hops max, 12 byte packets
  1  * XXXX:XXX:2:790::5da6  3001.66 ms !H  3001.53 ms !H
foo1:riz  ~>
There's not a lot to go on here, but this might suggest that outbound
routing is messed up.

How are IPv6 dns lookups being done? If it's using an IPv6 DNS server
then something is working...

Can you ping your IPv6 gateway?

No;  can't ping the gateway.  The packets (near as I can tell) don't appear to be leaving the host; I *think* I've got it set up OK, but unlike my other setups, I don't have a convenient host on the same LAN to check.  :)

So, no- DNS lookups not happening either.   I've probably just missed something obvious, though it *seems* to be set up like the others.

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