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Re: reading older disks

On 21/08/2018 17:50, wrote:

A bit of a coincidence for two disks to fail and a memory fault to develop
all at the same time, while the disk I was copying to was unaffected?

Not really its been a pretty universal experience of very old systems for me that they don't like being stressed or powered off. :(

Although as others have said trying other adapters and systems is worth a go as you might find some way of at least extracting the data.

I've decommissions several systems that have been running 24/7 for years and I've seen one system that failed to power on after it was powered off and another where the systems was running fine until I loaded up the system disk to recomission it as a test system at which point the disk stopped responding. I also recently lost a network switch which was running fine until it powered off at which point it would no longer bring up the physical links and transfer frames.


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