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Re: reading older disks

Because of of "stickage" it might take more power to spin up, than what
the external can deliver. Also, I've had drives that won't spin up, spin up,
by placing them sideways, or vertical on it's side.
On Aug 21, 2018, at 12:50 PM, wrote:


I have wondered about jumpers on the drives, or some kind of format
incompatibility.   I can hunt around for another antique machine to
try them in, but I would welcome any wisdom you may care to offer.

My guess is that the disk has failed.
But, I have seen situations where some USB/IDE adaptors work, and some

So I would indeed recommend trying another old machine.


A bit of a coincidence for two disks to fail and a memory fault to develop
all at the same time, while the disk I was copying to was unaffected?

Steve Blinkhorn <>

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