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delay npf/npfd service start at boot

I think npf is enabled over a wireless interface, it doesn't wait for wpa_supplicant to establish a working connection, thus failing to apply npf.conf, and retunrning:

/etc/npf.conf#$line#$column: no address matched for interface $if near ')'

predictably `npfctl show` returns
# filtering:    inactive
# config:       loaded

npfd fails to start subsequently, returning:

npfd: pcap_dump_open failed for `/var/log/npflog0.pcap'

If I use service() to restart npf/npfd manually I get no stderr, everything works, my confing is applied as expected and I can tcpdump npflog0.pcap to display logs.

I tried adding wpa_supplicant, dhcpcd and NETWORKING to the '#
REQUIRE: ' entry of /etc/rc.d/, but this didn't work the problem out: albeit rcorder is followed, and npf waits for wpa_supplicant and dhcpcd to start, it still actually start before a connection is established.

How can I properly address this problem? (e.g. an idea could be writing a sleep script)

Thanks in advance

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