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Re: WiFi card comes up as device lo0

This is the output I got from dmesg:

vendor 10ec product 8185 (ethernet network, revision 0x20) at pci4 dev 9 function 0 not configured

I hope that contains the pci id, if not I may need some guidance.

this is what I got from pcictl pci0 list:

008:09:0: Realtek Semiconductor 8185 802.11a/b/g (ethernet network, revision 0x20)



On 5/22/2019 5:46 AM, Havard Eidnes wrote:
Does this mean this card is not supported or does it mean it
just needs to be configured? This card uses the RTL8185L chip
but not sure what the brand/manufacturer is. Looking over the
manual pages it looks like the closest driver for this card
would be rtw.
It means that it was not attached.  There could be lots of
reasons.  Look at the output of 'dmesg' for unconfigured
devices.  Use usbdevs and pcictl (read the man pages first) to
see what hardware exists.  Sometimes a driver needs to have an
additional id added to the list of what it matches and claims.
Could you elaborate on what you mean by "not attached"? Sorry
for the noob question but I'm trying to learn the OS and I'm
not familiar with all of the jargon yet.

Thanks for your response.
Looking at the source for if_rtw_pci.c in /usr/src/sys/dev/pci/
it looks like the RTL8185 recognision is under an #if 0 clause:

#ifdef RTW_DEBUG
#if 0   /* These came from openbsd, netbsd doesn't have the definitions. */
           "Realtek RTL8185 802.11 MAC/BBP" },
         { PCI_VENDOR_BELKIN2,           PCI_PRODUCT_BELKIN2_F5D7010,
           "Belkin F5D7010" },

inside the definition of rtw_pci_products[], the list of PCI IDs
which are recognized by the driver.

So ... get the PCI IDs of the unrecognized device with pcictl,
and we can possibly get a bit closer to making it work.


- Håvard

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