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Re: Accessing a RAID disk attached externally via USB (Michael van Elst) writes:

> (Frank Wille) writes:
>>It appears as sd0 with a RAID partition in sd0a. How can I access an FFS
>>partition inside the RAID without changing anything on that RAID disk?

I am assuming that this is raidframe and the original system is NetBSD.

If you have raid autoconfig enabled, I'd expect the raid set to just
appear, similar to how I would expect the original setup worked.

> You could create a RAID set that includes that disk and access the raidframe
> device.
> You could also calculate the offset and size of the partition inside the RAID
> volume and manually add a wedge with these parameters.

The raid header is 64 blocks, so a wedge that is like sd0a but starts 64
sectors later and ends in the same place should function like raid0d.
Then of course you may have a disklabel or gpt inside the raid.

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