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Fwd: Building priorities question

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Från: Pedro Pinho <>
Date: tor 24 okt. 2019 20:42
Subject: Re: Building priorities question
To: Greg Troxel <>

I'm on 8.1_STABLE and updated the base yesterday from the daily builds.
I was on 9_BETA for a week or so, but reverted back to 8.1 due to disk space constrains.
I've been following pkgsrc-bulk on a daily basis, actually twice daily, there're quite a few pkgs I'm eager to use as the newer versions have nice improvments. Patience...

Den tor 24 okt. 2019 20:28Greg Troxel <> skrev:
Pedro Pinho <> writes:

> Hi! I've been using NetBSD on my laptop for just approx. 1 year now. My
> disk space is rather limited and I'm strickly dependent on pkgin and binary
> pkgs.
> So, I'm wondering, are there any building priorities for the binaries?
> Like, 8.1>8.0>7.1>7.0 or, is it irrelevant?

My impression is that the pkgbuild cluster is building 8.0, 7.1, and
7.0.  The fact that there are two 7.x versions is due to an unfortunate
ABI break in 7.x, which is now banned.  It has not happened in 8 and I
don't expect it to happen.

When 9 is released, pkgsrc and in particular the build cluster will stop
supporting 7.x, and add 9.

Also, lots of things don't work on 7, and aren't all that likely to
really get fixed.

So in my view you should update to netbsd-8, or 8.1 and track that, and
be prepared to mvoe to 9.0 after it comes out and you have given it a
3-month cooling off period (and then move to the stable branch).

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