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Re: About using NetBSD as a guest, why, how etc.
Am Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2019, 08:24:10 CET schrieb Mayuresh:
> To solve all these, could I make NetBSD a guest and what are some good
> options?
At least on "headless" machines, Xen + NetBSD (Xen+NetBSD dom0 + NetBSD domU
- with PV or PHVM) is a really nice and performant couple, but takes bit more
configuration diving then VirtualBox, VMware, qemu and such solutions. While
the other solutions provides hardware to guests by full virtualization, Xen
allows fifferent modes of Paravirtualisation, which can provide significant less
performance overhead.
NetBSD provides full Xen dom0 support (from one of a very few OS existing) -
so this might be worth at least a view...
On machines with "graphical head" where the guest should have or "provide"
the "full graphics" exist different options to do that on Xen, but is -
depending from what you want to reach - possibly bit fiddely, because the
graphic driver "grabs" the complete video output by nature.
But when it works, it is very nice (and completely open source).
If you don't need full graphics (console only or remote X / X forwarding
only) in your guest, it is very easy to setup too. I assume full graphics
(incl. hardware accelerations - as far as provided by NetBSD or the used dom0
"host" system) could be done on the dom0 too (the "host") while X apps from
the NetBSD guest can be used from dom0 by remote X (i.e. ssh -X) / X
forwarding. But never done that byself yet.
If you rely on some special hardware, Xen with Linux dom0 + NetBSD guest
might be an alternative too.
just my .02 $
Niels Dettenbach
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