De : Martin Husemann <>
À : Ottavio Caruso <>
Sujet : Re: pkgsrc binary packages security with pkgin
Date : 31/01/2020 09:51:53 Europe/Paris
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Let me (as someone not heavily involved into pkgsrc and binary pkg building)
try to unriddle a few bits that I think get easily confused in this context.
When it comes to 3rd party packages, you have to trust:
(1) the original source of the package ("upstream") and its release policies.
Assuming that the released source has no bad things hidden, you then have
to trust:
(2) pkgsrc (or the commiters of the pkg and all its dependencies and all
patches involved) to not do anything bad
From that point on we can help with various checks. When building a pkg
(locally or in a bulk build environment) pkgsrc verifies the distribution
file it downloaded does match the hashes recorded at (2). The result of
that build is a binary pkg, and if you did build localy, you are done here