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Re: NetBSD ZFS compatibility with other OSs

I haven't tested it extensively, but I'm able to load zpools I created in NetBSD on Debian 10 and on Centos 8.

On 2/24/2020 10:16 AM, Rocky Hotas wrote:
Hi all!
ZFS is one of the major updates in NetBSD 9.0. As far as I understood,
it is an implementation of OpenZFS, as Linux and FreeBSD already have
done. Also MacOS should use ZFS.

Is a ZFS filesystem created inside NetBSD 9.0 compatible with these OSs?
At least NetBSD, FreeBSD and Linux used code from the OpenZFS project.

In a simple example, assume that I created a pool with NetBSD 9.0. Am I
able to export it, and to import it on FreeBSD and/or Linux, obviously
without data loss? And what about re-importing it on NetBSD?



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