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Re: pkgin error

On 15.05.2020 17:22, nottobay wrote:
I keep getting a bunch of errors saying "download error <package name>
size does not match pkg_summary" I try just telling it to proceed but
the package still doesn't install. I have already tried forcing a pgkin
update and it didn't fix it, and I'm using the default repo the NetBSD 9
installer gave me. How would I fix this?

Same here.

$ echo "select file_size from remote_pkg where pkgname like
'xmlcatmgr%'" | sqlite3 pkgin.db

$ ftp
24864 bytes retrieved in 00:00 (16.63 MiB/s)

The strange thing is that the +BUILD_INFO inside that package says:

BUILD_DATE=2019-12-21 05:36:25 +0000

Yet the mtime on is 28-Mar-2020 20:22.

What's going on here? In this situation I'm missing cryptographically
signed packages since the default transport protocol is "http" without
any "s".

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