With next xorg.conf settings no small artifacts:
Option "Accel" "false"
Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"
AccelMethod is redundant when you are not using any acceleration.
You can also try:
Option "TearFree" "true"
Option "DRI" "2" # default is 3
If nothing works, you can use a compositor like picom (erstwhile compton) with your window manager (like i3, cwm, xfwm, etc).
Driver "intel"
[Partually SOLVED] without Accel.
24.05.2020, 14:48, "Dmitrii Postolov" <dpostolov%yandex.ru@localhost>:
> Hi to all NetBSD users! Sorry for my bad English...
> Hardware: Intel NUC5PPYH CPU Intel N3700 Braswell Intel HD Graphics
> NetBSD 9.0 (RELEASE) amd64 uefi image.
> I use the "wsfb" driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, all OK, but it performance is not the highest. Very large artifacts are observed with the "intel" video driver by default. With the "intel" driver and Option "AccelMethod" "uxa" the situation is better, but small artifacts are still present (with parts of horizontal lines on mouse moving).
> Photo of the artifacts: https://yadi.sk/i/l6t58jcQe6nEJQ
> Is there any hope of fixing this problem in NetBSD 9.0-STABLE or CURRENT?
> ---
> best regards,
> Dmitrii Postolov
> dpostolov%yandex.ru@localhost
best regards,
Dmitrii Postolov