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Re: cvs better than git?


Am 17.06.2020 um 12:37 schrieb

reasons! i am thinking along the lines of "hg" being more modern that 'cvs', but _is_not_ "git".
but then again, _wip_ does use "git", so what's the problem with using "git" across the board?
for a project which is as financially constrained as "netbsd", it would make "a lot of sense" to out-source as much of the infrastructure to free services as possible.
also, as i'd written in previously, if countries are going to ban access to "github" because of some reason, there's no guarantee that they would not also ban access to "netbsd" repositories, even if they are using 'cvs' or "hg", and if github is being compelled to ban access to certain countries due to US government regulations, those same regulations would apply to the "netbsd foundation" too and hence lead to enactment of bans from certain countries by the foundation to "netbsd" repositories.
i wonder where the actual problem is, but something does smell fishy.

I see it a little differently. Regardless of geoblocking etc., in my 
view it makes sense to invest in your own basic infrastructure. And if 
only as a scaled-down backup environment. Even customers who move their 
entire IT to cloud data centers do this. This is exactly how you secure 
your negotiating position in the event of contract changes, price 
increases or even termination of the services without notice. Caution 
should be exercised here, especially when it comes to free services, 
because where there is no formal contract, the service can be 
discontinued or regulated at any time.
But I also think that this discussion is not absolutely necessary. In 
the Git world in particular, it is very easy to set up automatic mirrors 
of upstream repositories and to keep them up to date. For example, I do 
it for all the open source libraries that are important to me, on which 
the solutions I create for customers depend. The NetBSD project could 
run its own replicas at any time, even without a "fat" and 
maintenance-intensive infrastructure. But then at least everything would 
be available for an emergency to get back on your feet quickly.
Kind regards

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