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Re: Tunneling in NetBSD

On 22.11.2020 15:41, Rhialto wrote:
On Mon 16 Nov 2020 at 07:07:15 -0700, Andy Ruhl wrote:
Just a general question to this thread:

How do clients use OpenVPN? Do you have to install it, and is it
widely available? My basic research suggests that most clients will
have to install it.

And is there a way to make it so that only some programs use the VPN?
Say, a single process, or a single user. Or perhaps a single instance of
qemu, if that's more convenient to arrange.

There are many, like rdomains in OpenBSD which is basically PolicyBasedRouting
in Linux over ip(8) command or similar can be achieved with authpf in pf
firewall, but don't know which of those is available in NetBSD.

For VPN there is for sure way better (only in current as of now):


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