On 1/17/2021 6:21 PM, Todd Gruhn wrote:
HEY Johnny, that thing with tr -d did not work. When I read the manpage I got and idea: character classes (in this case [:cntrl;]). It turns out that one can do s/[[:cntrl]]/\n/g using PERL. That fixed the prob with \x{d}. I still need to fix \x{92} , \x{93}, etc It would be nice to do: system(tr -d .... $text). Then write the result to filehandle. Where do you get the octal vals for \x{92} , \x{93} , etc ?
If you're already doing stuff in perl, it's pointless to run anything external. Just include \x92, \x93, etc... in a regex, just like you're doing for control characters. i.e. $text =~ s/[\x92\x93]//g; or whatever replacement you actually want to do.