On Sat, 15 May 2021, Eric S. Hvozda wrote:
I highly desire the old VGA console for VMware (and general use), especially as my eyes get older. I found “text”, but after converting the console back to something usable, after jumping to the kernel, it goes back to VESA again.
Add these lines to /etc/wscons.conf: setvar ttyE0 font Boldface\\\ 16x32 setvar ttyE1 font Boldface\\\ 16x32 setvar ttyE2 font Boldface\\\ 16x32 setvar ttyE3 font Boldface\\\ 16x32 (You may have `constty' instead of `ttyE0'; use that if you do.) And, make sure `wscons=YES' in /etc/rc.conf -RVP