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I/O error using autofs "-hosts", "-noauto" special maps
Growing tired of my workstations wedging when my fileserver is busy and
some process decides to open a file on my 'amd'-managed home directory at
just the wrong time*, I decided to give the recently-added 'autofs' system
a try.
Ordinary direct and indirect maps (point to map file) seem to work fine.
I added:
/home auto_home -nosuid,intr,bg
to "/etc/auto_master" where "auto_home" contains:
* servername:/path/to/home/&
and that works fine.
The special maps "-hosts" and "-noauto" fail with "I/O error". When I
was first trying 'autofs', I just used the default "auto_master" which
only defined the special map
/net -hosts -nobrowse,nosuid,intr
and this failed as described above when I try to access any machine
which is exporting filesystems via NFS. Likewise, I converted an NFS
mount in "/etc/fstab" to "noauto" and tried to use the
/- -noauto
special map entry and it likewise failed with "I/O" error when I tried
to access it.
(I've since re-commented the stock "/-" entry and made my own:
/- auto_direct
with the relevant mount point, options, and location and that works
Any hints for troubleshooting? The client 'dmesg' only shows:
[ 8126.457286] WARNING: autofs_trigger_one: request for /net/ completed with error 5
and a command accessing a path on a server via the "/net" mountpoint
result in, for example:
$ ls /net/servername/path/on/server
ls: /net/servername/path/on/server: Input/output error
I had a "/net" configured under 'amd' and that worked fine. I've made
no configuration changes other than to no-longer run 'amd'.
* Since netbsd-7, when the fileserver is performing a long-running
operation on a filesystem it exports and a client has that filesystem
mounted via 'amd' and opens a file at just the wrong time, it gets stuck
and all other NFS accesses--including to NFS mounts made in "/etc/fstab"
The most common way to trigger this is to have 'firefox' running on
the client while the server is performing a 'cvs update' on the a
'src' or 'pkgsrc' tree residing on the same exported filesystem that
the client has mounted via 'amd'.
Can also happen while paging through a slide-show of images in 'xv'
while the fileserver is linking "gallium.*.so", or running 'fetchmail'
on the client while the server is running the big 'find ...' operation
in '/etc/daily', or having 'firefox' open during the '/etc/daily' run
on the server.
netbsd-6 and earlier had no issues like the above.
|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]consolidated[flyspeck]net OpenBSD FreeBSD
| X No HTML/proprietary data in email. BSD just sits there and works!
|/ \ GPGkeyID: D703 4A7E 479F 63F8 D3F4 BD99 9572 8F23 E4AD 1645
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