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Re: NetBSD 9.2 installer can't detect disk of some Hetzner VPSes

Hello all,

I was able to gather a little more information now. For me, at the moment, it doesn't look like the configuration of the virtualized hardware is completely "random". It rather seems to depend on the baseline one chooses when ordering the VPS - see the FAQ[1]:

	"What hardware do my servers run on?

The CX line Hetzner Cloud servers run on the latest generation of Intel® Xeon® CPUs (Skylake) with ECC RAM. We also have a line of cloud servers, the CPX line, which are based on AMD 2nd generation EPYC CPUs. And there are also models (the CCX line) that have dedicated vCPUs (Intel® Xeon® and AMD EPYC). For local storage, we use NVMe SSDs."
Depending on the selection, one gets a system with Intel Xeon (Skylake) or AMD 2nd Gen EPYC.

At the moment, I only encounter the described problem when I select the AMD variant. Mayuresh, can you confirm this?

Kind regards


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