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Re: Growing sshd process count (Mayuresh) writes:

>On NetBSD 9.2 amd64 VPS I noticed system slowness and top showed too many
>ssh processes - 49 to be precise.

>I have blacklistd enabled and approximately in every 2 to 3 minutes a new
>IP address is getting blocked.

>Using console access I stopped ssh service, killed sshd processes and
>restarted. As of writing this the count of sshd processes is 10 again,
>when only 2 ssh sessions are shown in `who'.

>What explains the count of these processes and what precautions shall I be

Someone is brute-forcing your account passwords.

Easiest counter-measure is to use a different port for ssh. So far these
attacks go to the standard port (22).

You can also restrict access to known IPs, either by configuring sshd
(for example using /etc/hosts.allow, /etc/hosts.deny) or by adding a
permanent IP filter to block access and cloud providers world-wide.

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