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Assembly example (nasm) for amd64 in NetBSD

I was looking for a simple assembly code, a `Hello world' for example,
which runs on NetBSD, written and compiled with nasm.
I tried a code to print the CPU vendor string through cpuid: the entire
code is copied after the text of this e-mail. It works on FreeBSD. On
NetBSD 9.0 I built it with

nasm -f elf64 -o testcpu.o testcpu.s
ld -s -o testcpu testcpu.o

This gives no error, however the file can not execute. If I try to run
the file, I obtain:

/bin/sh: Cannot execute ELF binary ./testcpu

The only example I found is

However, it is quite confusing and it is for i386, while I would like to
use amd64.
I can't understand if the error is due to a bad linking or building, or
if the code itself has some wrong instruction.
Is there a NetBSD nasm amd64 example? Or some hints that I should follow?


Here is my code, that is the contents of file testcpu.s:

section .bss

    buff resb 12

section .text
global _start

    mov eax, 0

    mov dword [buff+0], ebx     
    mov dword [buff+4], edx     
    mov dword [buff+8], ecx     

    mov rax, 4
    mov rdi, 1
    mov rsi, buff
    mov rdx, 12

    mov rax, 1
    mov rbx, 0

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