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Re: 10 fails to build

Paul Ripke <> writes:

> I just finished an update build for netbsd-10 amd64 - apart from some
> flist shenanigans, it went smoothly.

Thanks.  I also removed my tools objdir and restarted, and that didn't
seem to fix it, and then I re-did includes.  Now I have succeeeded to
the point of flist shenanigans :-) and just rm'd stuff.  So I am not
sure what happened, but if it doesn't happen to others it's not worth
worrying about.

> SIGILL is a little odd. The only 3 causes I've seen in the wild:
> - code bug, function pointer flying off somewhere unexpected.
> - dodgy hardware.
> - the `ud` family of instructions injected by clang/llvm/gcc in sanitised
>   builds to catch undefined behaviour.
> I wonder which case fits here... if you got a core, you may be able to
> check if PC points to a ud2, etc. instruction? Though I'm not seeing gcc
> built with -fsanitize=undefined in my build log.

I don't have a core file.

Fair point about dogdy hardware.  I'm currently using a 2007 Dell mid
tower and it may have issues.  But I could build everything else, pkgsrc
builds are ok and this one file would fail entirely repeatably.

I'll move on to i386 and earmv7hf-el when this works.

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