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Re: Please forgive a blatant plug: I reviewed v10 for the Reg

On Thu, 2 May 2024 at 14:51, Hauke Fath (SPG) <> wrote:
> And there's the rub, right there.
> You want to tell other people ("developers") what they should spend
> their time on. And if you were ten times right, it wouldn't work that way.

Ahhhhhh yes. Excellent point.

> Do the leg work yourself, and things *might* come to happen. Or not.

If I were capable, which I am not, then there are other things I would
focus my efforts on which I find much more interesting than 1970s
monolithic Unix-type OSes.

In that family of designs, I personally find Plan 9 and Inferno _far_
more interesting, for instance. I did a talk on that theme at FOSDEM
in Brussels in February:

I turned it into some articles:

But I am more intrigued by the idea of getting away completely from
the concepts of "filesystems" and "drives", which I regard as legacy
technology -- 20th century stuff. That was the theme of my previous
talk, which became the "starting over" article above.

Liam Proven ~ Profile:
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