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Re: DVD+R DL disk

Wow -- Thanks.

I was playing with 'cd-info'.
What can I use here?  I did this:

gandalf# cd-info
cd-info version 2.1.0 x86_64--netbsd
Copyright (c) 2003-2005, 2007-2008, 2011-2015, 2017 R. Bernstein
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
CD location   : /dev/rcd0d
CD driver name: NetBSD
   access mode: no access method

Vendor                      : ASUS
Model                       : DRW-24F1ST   d
Revision                    : 1.00
Hardware                                  : CD-ROM or DVD
Can eject                                 : Yes
Can close tray                            : Yes
Can disable manual eject                  : Yes
Can select juke-box disc                  : No

Can set drive speed                       : No
Can read multiple sessions (e.g. PhotoCD) : Yes
Can hard reset device                     : Yes

  Can read Mode 2 Form 1                  : Yes
  Can read Mode 2 Form 2                  : Yes
  Can read (S)VCD (i.e. Mode 2 Form 1/2)  : Yes
  Can read C2 Errors                      : Yes
  Can read IRSC                           : Yes
  Can read Media Channel Number (or UPC)  : Yes
  Can play audio                          : Yes
  Can read CD-DA                          : Yes
  Can read CD-R                           : Yes
  Can read CD-RW                          : Yes
  Can read DVD-ROM                        : Yes

  Can write CD-RW                         : Yes
  Can write DVD-R                         : Yes
  Can write DVD-RAM                       : Yes
  Can write DVD-RW                        : No
  Can write DVD+RW                        : No

Disc mode is listed as: DVD+R DL
++ WARN: error in ioctl(CDIOREADTOCHEADER): Invalid argument

cd-info: Can't get first track number. I give up.

On Sat, Jun 8, 2024 at 5:28 PM Brad Spencer <> wrote:
> Todd Gruhn <> writes:
> > This thing holds 8.6GB.
> >
> > How do I talk to it? Does my CD/DVD drive right to this?
> >
> > Can I only write 4.7GB to this thing?
> cdrecord from pkgsrc will work just fine for these disks and you will be
> able to use all of it.  I use them all of the time.
> You more or less make a iso, udf or whatever image using whatever tool
> you want and then use cdrecord to write the image onto the disk.
> --
> Brad Spencer - - KC8VKS -

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