On 7/24/24 11:51 AM, Joel wrote:
> Depending on how you acquire a network address and DNS address, you
> might not have access to your DNS yet?
> You can set ntpdate=NO in /etc/rc.conf to prevent running ntpdate at
> startup.
> -Joel
Yes, that seems to be the problem. I'm using wifi (wpa_supplicant, etc)
and I'm gonna guess that it's not completely up and running (ip
configured, etc) before the ntpdate command fires. I did nslookup on
2.netbsd.pool.ntp.org and added four server lines to /etc/ntp.conf using
those ips. I commented out the pool line and no error.
Is there a way to ensure the network's completely up before ntpdate is
allowed to run? I hunted around for solutions and found some that didn't
do the job.