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wifi loses its mind

I have an athn0 device set up on my inspiron n4110 with netbsd10 stable. It's connected to my wifi access point. If I'm working on the device console or in a terminal, it's able to access the internet and local network, no issues. However, if I remote into it over ssh and leave the connection open, it will eventually lose it's mind, meaning that the ssh session stops responding, I can't ping it from the remote host on another terminal, and if I log into the device locally, it can't ping my remote host... until I do ifconfig, after that ping starts working again.

here's ifconfig:
athn0: flags=0x8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
       ssid Phoenix nwkey 65536:"",0x299ab4bb1d4a60ce4a701469277efb16,"",""
       powersave off
       bssid 54:a0:50:d4:84:c0 chan 11
       address: cc:af:78:54:67:d3
       media: IEEE802.11 autoselect (OFDM24 mode 11g)
       status: active
       inet6 fe80::ceaf:78ff:fe54:67d3%athn0/64 flags 0 scopeid 0x1
       inet broadcast flags 0

Weird and flaky, help w/a path to troubleshooting appreciated :).


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