very nice !
hi all,
I've been reading/studying/rereading through my print-on-demand copy of
"the guide". Stellar document. Almost as good as the FreeBSD handbook,
or maybe better... depends on what you're looking for, I guess :). I
like it, either way. The book came out nicely, though I think next time,
I'll go with a lay-flat option or hardcover. Perfect-bound is fine for
the shelf, but I read, scribble, highlight and totally abuse it as I
read it for learning and having to put paper weights on it to keep it
open is more than I wanna do. One thing that's annoying with the format,
but thankfully it doesn't happen a lot, is that the url's don't wrap.
Like I said, it's infrequent, but when it does happen it's argh :). Like
when it gives only part of PKG_PATH and I have to go to the html to see
what's up.
anyway, I just wanna say thanks for producing such a great work to
whoever did it.
For the visually inclined, here's a couple pics of my printed copy:
- will