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Re: Set things in Xresources

On Tue 26 Nov 2024 at 15:04:16 -0500, Todd Gruhn wrote:
> SOOOO, I used this -- worked. Thanks.
> 1 last Q;
>    What if I want to change the  font-color?
>              XTerm.fontMenu.background: lime
>    I used XTerm.fontMenu.foreground: lime  that did not work...

The manual page for xterm does list all the available names, but it is
easy to lose overview of those, since there are very many. Look for the
section "RESOURCES", and take care to look at the start of each
sub-section of that, where it will tell the parts that go before the
names that are listed next.

For example

       Application specific resources (e.g., "XTerm.NAME") follow:

   Application Resources
       backarrowKeyIsErase (class BackarrowKeyIsErase)

so you'd use XTerm.backarrowKeyIsErase

and further down

   VT100 Widget Resources
       The following resources are specified as part of the vt100 widget
       (class VT100).  They are specified by patterns such as
       activeIcon (class ActiveIcon)

so you'd use XTerm.vt100.activeIcon, etc etc.

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert                            <rhialto/at/>
\X/ There is no AI. There is just someone else's work.           --I. Rose

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