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Re: running BORG

> I just re-made and re-installed. I got this:
> borg init -e none /umass/BORG-REPOS
> You do not have a supported version of the msgpack python package installed.
> Terminating. This should never happen as specific, supported versions are
> required by our
> Do not contact borgbackup support about this.
> I am running borg 1.2.8

There are several ways to solve this.

1) get / install an older version of py-msgpack.

This may not be straight-forward, but then again, if you rely on
binary packages, so isn't any of these either:

2) upgrade to borgbackup 1.2.8nb1.  This version is built with
   two patches to deal with the msgpack debackle (see below).  Or
   you could build this from source yourself...  To do that, your
   pkgsrc should be betweeen 2024-10-28 and 2025-02-07; at the
   end of October last year I committed those patches with the
   below commit message.

3) upgrade to the newest version of py-borgbackup via source.
   This gets you borgbackup 1.4.0.  The commit to do that was
   done to pkgsrc on 2025-02-07, so this version is not yet
   available as a binary package, at least not as part of the
   latest "stable pkgsrc branch", but will be in the next

The commit message which got us borgbackup 1.2.8nb1 was:

sysutils/py-borgbackup: make this accept a newer py-msgpack.

This is in contravention to the upstream policy which insists that
because the maintainers of py-msgpack in the distant past made a
non-compatible change (apparently in a version before 0.5.6 of
py-msgpack, many, many years ago), they now insist that you *cannot*
use a newer version of py-msgpack than what the code insists on,

This collides (hard) with the pkgsrc default stance which is to
"upgrade everything to the newest available version", and makes
this package break each time a new version of py-msgpack is integrated
in pkgsrc.

For now just patch this to accept py-msgpack versions between
0.5.6 and 1.1.0 and not just between 0.5.6 and 1.0.8.

At least testing by doing a backup run makes that backup run
complete successfully with py-mgspack 1.1.0 installed, instead
of a sour error message that a non-supported version of msgpack
is installed.

It seems that with borgbackup 1.4.0, it's been upgraded to

work/borgbackup-1.4.0/PKG-INFO:Requires-Dist: msgpack<=1.1.0,>=1.0.3

but it still has in pyproject.toml:

dependencies = [
    # we are rather picky about msgpack versions, because a good working msgpack is
    # very important for borg, see:
    # Please note:
    # using any other msgpack version is not supported by borg development and
    # any feedback related to issues caused by this will be ignored.
    "msgpack >=1.0.3, <=1.1.0",

so there is still a steel rake left lying tins up on the lawn
waiting for someone to step on it when py-msgpack is upgraded to
a version beyond 1.1.0 sometime in the future.

Oh, and BTW, the "tolerate up to 1.1.0 and not just 1.0.8" is not
noted in borgbackups CHANGES.rst file, but the bump of the
acceptance of 1.0.8 (was 1.0.7 and before that even lower
versions) *is* noted under the 1.4.0b2 heading.

"Oh, well!"


- Håvard

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