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Re: stupid question on vi

    Date:        Sat, 22 Feb 2025 23:08:42 +0000
    From:        Dave Tyson <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | I am trying to search for them so I can replace them.

You need to type a literal 0x93 character and search for that.
It shouldn't need a ^V prefix (but giving one won't hurt).

Depending upon your environment, a 0x93 might be as easy as switching
away from ascii to a different charset which uses that value, and type
the character, or holding the META key while typing ^S (0x13) (which
then might need a ^V prefix, as ^S tends to be special).   (How META
works, if it does, depends upon your input mapping, sometimes it sets
the 0x80 bit in the typed character, other setups generate ESC followed
by the character, and all kinds of other things are possible).   META
might be the ALT key, but again, it depends upon the configuration.

Alternatively, use

	printf '>\x93<\n'

and then cut the character which appears between the > < in the result,
and paste it where needed.   How well that works will depend upon your
terminal emulator (which I assume exists, as just about no-one uses real
terminals any more.)


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