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pkg/25777: pkg_info shows error message when "bmake install" on Interix

>Number:         25777
>Category:       pkg
>Synopsis:       pkg_info shows error message when "bmake install" on Interix
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       low
>Responsible:    pkg-manager
>State:          open
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Tue Jun 01 15:29:00 UTC 2004
>Originator:     Hiramatsu Yoshifumi
>Release:        NetBSD 2.0E
Interix nile 3.5 SP-8.0.1969.1 x86 AMD Athlon/Duron
When executing "bmake install" for a package which doesn't have DEPENDS
(i.e., devel/patch), following message is displayed.

pkg_info: missing package name(s)
usage: pkg_info [-BbcDdFfIikLmNnpqRrSsVvh] [-e package] [-l prefix]
                pkg-name [pkg-name ...]
       pkg_info -a [flags]
       pkg_info -Q variable pkg-name [pkg-name ...]

This is caused by the different behavior of xargs command. Interix's xargs
executes the command that is given as arguments even when standard input
is empty.

cd /usr/pkgsrc/devel/patch
bmake install

This is a patch for

---     Sat May 29 21:38:48 2004
+++  Sun May 30 15:06:24 2004
@@ -4550,14 +4550,19 @@
 # dependencies are all installed.
 .PHONY: print-pkg-size-depends
-       @${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} run-depends-list                          \
-       | ${XARGS} -n 1 ${SETENV} ${PKG_BEST_EXISTS}                    \
-       | ${SORT} -u                                                    \
+       @pkglist=`${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} run-depends-list | sort -u`;     \
+       if [ "$${pkglist}" != "" ]; then                                \
+               for i in $${pkglist}; do                                \
+                       ${SETENV} ${PKG_BEST_EXISTS} $$i;               \
+               done                                                    \
        | ${XARGS} -n 256 ${SETENV} ${PKG_INFO} -qs                     \
        | ${AWK} -- 'BEGIN { print("0 "); }                             \
                /^[0-9]+$$/ { print($$1, " + "); }                      \
                END { print("p"); }'                                    \
-       | ${DC}
+               | ${DC};                                                \
+       else                                                            \
+               echo "0";                                               \
+       fi                                                              

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